Since the P1/P2 Tamagotchi seem to be set to release at the end of September, and a new color Tamagotchi is set to release in Japan, I thought this would be a good time to talk about some Tamagotchi mobile apps! Yay!
The first I wanted to look at was from the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. product line that Bandai was promoting a little while back. It was essentially a clone of the P1 and P2 Tamagotchis, though it did feature the ability to zoom in on the Tamagotchi you were raising so you could see them bigger and in color. This would also change the game you would play, though it just meant it taking longer for the same reward.
The more Tamagotchi you raised, the more background and shell types you would unlock, which was a pretty nice feature.
This was later taken down and replaced with the Tamagotchi Classic app. The release of this one was a bit odd. Two versions of this exist, one that features P1 characters and one that features P2 characters. The P2 version for the most part only seems to have been released in regions that did not previously receive the original L.i.f.e. app.
Back in 2006, a version of Tamagotchi Devil was released for cell phones in Japan. It was later released in 2008 in Europe re-titled as Tamagotchi Monster. It was essentially just the original Tamagotchi Devil, but at a much more affordable price. Still as super-cute and sassy as the original.
The Tamagotchi Angel app was originally released around the same time as the Tamagotchi Devil app, but was later updated
and re-released after the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app. It had the same features as the L.i.f.e. app, being able to change the shell design and background and having the ability to zoom in and see your little pet in color. The only real difference here was that it featured the characters from the Angelgotchi.
Tamagotchi 'Round the World was first released in 2008. It was a pretty simple game that has you choose a Tamagotchi to complete little missions with to make your partner and the living Gaiatchi-the living features of the planet- healthy and happy. You'd play little mini-games and earn stickers to mark your progress. It was cute, but nothing hard or in-depth at all.
I'd like to talk about My Tamagotchi Forever as well, but it's a bit bigger than any of these other apps, so I'll be saving that for a separate post.
The more Tamagotchi you raised, the more background and shell types you would unlock, which was a pretty nice feature.
This was later taken down and replaced with the Tamagotchi Classic app. The release of this one was a bit odd. Two versions of this exist, one that features P1 characters and one that features P2 characters. The P2 version for the most part only seems to have been released in regions that did not previously receive the original L.i.f.e. app.
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Picture obtained from Tamagotchi Wiki |
and re-released after the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app. It had the same features as the L.i.f.e. app, being able to change the shell design and background and having the ability to zoom in and see your little pet in color. The only real difference here was that it featured the characters from the Angelgotchi.
I'd like to talk about My Tamagotchi Forever as well, but it's a bit bigger than any of these other apps, so I'll be saving that for a separate post.